Posts About Healthcare Skills Training | The WorldPoint Blog

WorldPoint Blog

Images of WorldPoint Baby Tyler, Laerdal MegaCode Kelly, and Life/form Basic Lucy <maternal and Neonatal Birthing simulator.
July 14, 2023
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Benefits of Using Medical Training Manikins

Medical training manikins are life-size, realistic models of human bodies that are used to train healthcare professionals in a variety of skills, including CPR, childbirth, and emergency medicine. Manikins can be used to simulate a variety of medical situations, from routine checkups to life-threatening emergencies.

Rescue person compressing wound on victim's leg.
May 22, 2023
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The Role of Bleeding Simulators in Improving Clinical Competency

Medical professionals are tasked with providing the best possible care to patients in any situation. To achieve this, they need to possess the necessary skills and knowledge to manage emergencies effectively. Bleeding simulators are becoming an increasingly popular tool for improving clinical competency in healthcare professionals, and for a good reason. In this blog, we will explore the importance of bleeding simulators in medical and trauma training, their use cases, and key features to consider when shopping for these simulators.