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CAE Blue Phantom™ Ultrasound Refill Fluid

Supplemental/replacement arterial blood for Blue Phantom models


Please select volume and color below.

Availability: Varies

Options by Part Number:
52-163   CAE Blue Phantom Blue Ultrasound Refill Fluid (1 Liter)
52-164   CAE Blue Phantom Blue Ultrasound Refill Fluid (235 mL)
52-176   CAE Blue Phantom Red Ultrasound Refill Fluid (235 mL)
52-175   CAE Blue Phantom Red Ultrasound Refill Fluid (1 Liter)


CAE Blue Ultrasound Refill Fluid is specifically designed to supplement or replace the venous blood in all Blue Phantom models containing arteries and veins. CAE Red Ultrasound Refill fluid does the same for arterial blood.

  • Use as replacement venous fluid in all True Anatomy™ anatomical models
  • Non-toxic
  • Extremely realistic; accurate acoustic properties for blood serum
  • Same viscosity as blood serum
  • Long life; contains preservatives that inhibitas bacterial and fungal growth
  • Easy to refill